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I provide the most current and practical fitness knowledge. I always give the facts completely unbiased, and what fitness knowledge is most relevant. I want people to get exactly what they came to me for. Note: I am not a basketball, football, tennis, track an field, boxing, crossfit etc. coach, however, IF an individual wanted to play a sport but came to me for Madabzfit training, once I finished they'd be able to jump into any sport with ease and proper focus without feeling completely out of shape or intimidated by colleagues. The overall key is, well, to be overall fit; well rounded; versatile. This is what I provide. 



Personal Training, like many things, is an art. Sculpting a human body requires more than certificates and college degrees. What the fitness professional prescribes may still have flaws. Yes, most of the trainers knowledge must have current, credible references and what applies to the individual. Yet, many trainers have no actual experience with the prescriptions they prescribe. Knowing how the human body works vs real time application play two very different roles. Training intensity, frequency, FORM and recovery are 4 huge variables that WILL need closer observation from time to time. Without on-going  practical knowledge, an instructor puts the client at risk of injury from a range of things such as improper form over/under exertion of joint, ligaments and cardiovascular health - no knowledge of how or when to properly de-load to name a few, consequently creating more problems than the body had when was first presented. What I provide will last your entire life. I want my clients to know that I've done everything I prescribe. Moreover, I'm able to understand if they may need longer recovery, more or less reps for a particular exercise on any given day based on a range of things like how hard they've exerted in the past, rest, how they feel that particular session, and most importantly the clients target goal in that area of the body. Optimal fitness; aesthetic bodybuilding is a lifestyle. It never gets easier. You never stop. You just get stronger and better.



I understand not everyone wants online training and would rather someone there for motivation, closer observation on form, intensity and a real spotter.  I for one, feel it is much more beneficial this way as apposed to online training. All my methods are effective, but the more I see and interact with the body I sculpt, the better and faster I can address any issues regarding the training on the spot. My prices vary differently for me to come to you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Contact me for more info.



I also provide group and corporate training but limited to 5 people during any given session in order to give each client adequate attention to their form, intensity and recovery as everyone is different. My prices vary differently than private or online training for group or corporate training. Contact me for more info.

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